
Pipetting a dilution series can be tedious. Planning it can also be tricky, even though robotools helps you out with volume checks and composition tracking.

With the DilutionPlan algorithm, planning dilution series becomes a matter of just a few lines of code. At the same time, dilution series planned with robotools.DilutionPlan can give you greater coverage of your concentration range while improving pipetting precision with fewer serial dilution steps.

import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

import robotools

Planning a Dilution Series#

The robotools.DilutionPlan automagically creates pipetting instructions for "linear" or "log" evenly spaced target concentrations. Again, you can use the built-in help function or look it up in the documentation:

Help on function __init__ in module robotools.utils:

__init__(self, *, xmin: float, xmax: float, R: int, C: int, stock: float, mode: str, vmax: Union[float, Sequence[float]], min_transfer: float) -> None
    Plans a regularly-spaced dilution series with in very few steps.
    xmin : float
        Lowest concentration value in the result
    xmax : float
        Highest concentration in the result
    R : int
        Number of rows in the MTP
    C : int
        Number of colums in the MTP
    stock : float
        Stock concentration (must be >= xmax)
    mode : str
        Either 'log' or 'linear'
    vmax : float
        Scalar or vector-valued (C,) maximum volume [µL] in the dilution series
    min_transfer : float
        Minimum allowed volume [µL] for transfer steps
plan = robotools.DilutionPlan(
    xmin=0.003, xmax=30,
    R=8, C=6,

Serial dilution plan (0.00301 to 30.00) from at least 5106.0 µL stock and 40494.0 µL diluent:
   Prepare column 1 with [950. 781. 642. 528. 434. 357. 293. 241.] µL from stock and fill up to 950 µL
   Prepare column 2 with [198. 163. 134. 110.  90.  74.  61.  50.] µL from stock and fill up to 950 µL
   Prepare column 3 with [42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42.] µL from column 1 and fill up to 950 µL (1 serial dilutions)
   Prepare column 4 with [42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42.] µL from column 2 and fill up to 950 µL (1 serial dilutions)
   Prepare column 5 with [41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41.] µL from column 3 and fill up to 950 µL (2 serial dilutions)
   Prepare column 6 with [41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41.] µL from column 4 and fill up to 950 µL (2 serial dilutions)

As you can see from the output above, the instructions were generated such that only integer µl volumes greater than the min_transfer volume are used. Also, the number of serial dilution steps is minimized to reduce pipetting error.

Due to rounding, the resulting concentrations (DilutionPlan.x) are not perfect, but they deviate from the ideal. In the following plot you can see the spacing, column-association (color) and also deviations from the ideal concentrations.

fig, (left, right) = pyplot.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=140)

for c in range(plan.C):
    x = plan.ideal_x[:,c]
    y = plan.x[:,c]
    left.scatter(x.flatten("F"), y.flatten("F"))
    right.scatter(x.flatten("F"), y.flatten("F"), label=f"column {c+1}")

    xlabel="ideal concentration target",
    ylabel="achieved concentration",
    xlabel="ideal concentration target",
    ylabel="achieved concentration",
    xlim=(plan.xmin*0.8, plan.xmax*1.2),
    ylim=(plan.xmin*0.8, plan.xmax*1.2),

max_relative_error = numpy.abs(1 - plan.x / plan.ideal_x).max()
print(f"The final concentrations deviate from the ideal concentrations by <= {max_relative_error*100:.1f} %")
The final concentrations deviate from the ideal concentrations by <= 1.8 %

From DilutionPlan to Worklist#

The instructions are also machine readable. In the DilutionPlan.instructions attribute, you can find a list of tuples (c, dsteps, src, v):

  • c: number of the column (0-based)

  • dsteps: number of serial dilution steps that were required to make the column

  • src: source to prepare the column from (either 'stock' or 0-based column number)

  • v: transfer volumes for preparing the column

However you don’t need to write the worklist commands yourself, because there’s already a method for that:

standard = robotools.Trough("Standard", 8, 1, min_volume=1000, max_volume=100_000, initial_volumes=100_000)
diluent = robotools.Trough("Diluent", 8, 1, min_volume=1000, max_volume=100_000, initial_volumes=100_000)

# A deep well plate to prepare the dilution series
dwp = robotools.Labware("DWP", 8, 12, min_volume=20, max_volume=2000)

# A microtiterplate to transfer to
mtp = robotools.Labware("MTP", 8, 12, min_volume=20, max_volume=2000)

with robotools.EvoWorklist() as wl:
        stock=standard, stock_column=0,
        diluent=diluent, diluent_column=0,
        # Watch out for the optional kwargs - there you'll have to specify
        # the liquid classes as they are configured on your Freedom EVO.
    # TIP: If you want to insert custom operations such as transferring
    #      to multiple destinations or splitting into multiple worklists,
    #      take a look at the `pre_mix_hook` and `post_mix_hook` kwargs
    #      of the `DilutionPlan.to_worklist` method!
    # Place a second replicate in the right half
        dwp, dwp.wells[:, :6],
        mtp, mtp.wells[:, 6:],

We can use the composition to access the final concentrations. And don’t forget to save them for later analysis!

fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
x = numpy.arange(12)
    yticks=numpy.arange(8), yticklabels="ABCDEFGH",
    xticks=x, xticklabels=map(str, x+1),
    ylabel="row", xlabel="column",
    title="Final Standard concentrations"
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -idu
Last updated: 2024-04-25T09:26:56.557112+02:00